Sunday, 8 November 2015

Sunday Brunch, from Sunday Brunch

I am not the person who gets up late, showers, dresses and slumps on the sofa watching telly. Well today I was that person. 
Last night was so warm that I could not sleep, I was awake till 5 ish and then crawled into bed and slept till 9.20. I hit the sofa, coffee in hand and turned the box on. My guests were up and about and were happy to watch Simon and Tim playing with food. 
Ding, Flash, a light bulb moment, roasted Cauliflower cheese on toast, we could almost smell and taste it.
Ben was walked and fed ( I had to encourage him out today) and we decamped to the kitchen and collated the requirements.

A sad looking half Cauliflower, separated into florets and tossed in a little rapeseed oil, a sliced garlic clove and some salt and pepper. Into the mini oven 170c for about 10 minutes.
While that was roasting a good handfull of grated cheddar was mixed with an egg, a dollop of wholegrain mustard and a shake of Tabasco.

The mix looks a bit insipid, do not be fooled, it bites.

The roasted Cauli, I forgot to take a photo before putting the topping on. It is only roasted lightly, the cauli is almost cooked but the garlic is not burnt.

Before and after 10 minutes back in the mini oven at 180c

I grilled the bread in a lightly buttered frying pan and then onto a hot plate.

Top with the fragrant cauli mix, and enjoy. On the telly they used griddled walnut bread and topped the cauli mix with more chilli sauce, then put it under a grill to cook. As my oven was hot I used it, and we left off the chilli sauce.

Oh My Word, it was great, I can see the topping on a pizza, in a jacket potato or on a puff pastry base, even stirred through pasta.
It is very rich and this was plenty, I can still taste it, I will be fine now till dinner.

               TTFN                                                    Pam

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